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Discover LSV
9:00 AM09:00

Discover LSV

Discover Leadership Susquehanna Valley!

As the region's premier business leadership program, Leadership Susquehanna Valley offers your employees a stellar opportunity to further develop and prepare for positions of responsibility.  

Join us on February 27th at the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit (CSIU) in Milton as we outline for employers of candidates a behind-the-scenes look at the program.  Employers will hear from alumni, employers of alumni, and the LSV Board of Directors.  

Register through Chambermaster OR by emailing Bob.

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Guy Temple Distinguished Leadership Alumni Award Breakfast
7:30 AM07:30

Guy Temple Distinguished Leadership Alumni Award Breakfast

Leadership Susquehanna Valley is pleased to once again host its Guy Temple Distinguished Alumni Award Breakfast. Guests at this event will assist LSV in honoring a distinguished alumnus for a lifetime of service and leadership in the community, as well as hear from members of the LSV Class of 2024, who will present their LSV Community Service Projects.

- General Registration
FREE - Class of ‘24 and Guy Temple Award Recipient (past or present) Registration

Click here to register

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Adopt-A-Highway Clean-Up
8:30 AM08:30

Adopt-A-Highway Clean-Up

Help us beautify the Greater Susquehanna Valley! We have a great new route on 522 between Mull’s Auto Sales and Middleburg Livestock Auction. Gloves, safety vests, trash bags, and water all provided.

We will all be meeting at the GSV Chamber office (2859 N. Susquehanna Trail, Shamokin Dam, PA 17876) at 8:30 a.m. for a quick safety overview, distribute safety gear and supplies, and provide additional instructions.

More details will be provided at least three business days prior to our clean-up to all volunteers who are registered.

Please register at, so we know you're coming.

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