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Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements


Graduation Requirements

All candidates for graduation of Leadership Susquehanna Valley must complete the following:

I. Attendance

Attend the day-and-a-half LSV Retreat. Attend eight monthly program days in full. One excused absence is allowed.

During COVID-19, additional leniency and understanding will be extended so that you may adequately fulfill commitments to your family, employer, and the community. Fulfilling this graduation requirement will simply mean that you have communicated with the staff as to your ability to participate both online and in-person.

II. Program Evaluations

Complete and submit the Program Day Evaluation/Observation Survey for each of the attended monthly Program Days within one week of receipt.

These are Survey Monkey surveys which are distributed via email following the program day and are to be completed within one week of receipt. Your answers provide critical feedback about each program, your likes and dislikes, and an opportunity for you to summarize what you learned during the day. To graduate, all surveys must be completed in accordance with your attendance.

III. Leadership Credo

Present your Personal Leadership Credo at the assigned Program Day. Write a one page summary of this credo and submit it to Jenny Wentz, Assistant Director.

A leadership credo is your personal mission statement, a reflection on your own understanding of leadership as a whole, and the means to apply leadership standards to your own life. The opportunity to prepare such a statement is a valuable opportunity to reflect on your personal and professional goals. To graduate from the course, you must prepare a digital copy of no more than one page (5 paragraphs) to be submitted to Jenny Wentz, Assistant Director. You will be expected to present your credo at a program day, as dictated by the Program Day Agenda.

Your spoken delivery of this topic may include presentation materials such as posters, games, PowerPoint, or videos. Feel free to be creative, but know that you have only three minutes to deliver your credo. This will be a challenge for you, but the Board of Directors strongly encourages you to meet this challenge of self-reflection and prompt delivery so that we may make the most out of each part of the program day.

IV. Professional Introductions

Present, at the assigned Program Day, a professional introduction of an assigned program day speaker. You may be assigned more than one introduction during the year.

Each month, a handful of participants will be asked to introduce a guest speaker for the LSV program day. This introduction affords you the opportunity to grow in mastery of public speaking. When done well, you reflect positively upon yourself, your company, and the volunteer organizations which you serve.

Your introduction is limited to three minutes. You should demonstrate preparedness for this introduction by demonstrating proper tone of voice, limited use of notes, adequate speaking volume, adaptability to changing settings, and research of your guest.

When you introduce a fellow professional, you set the stage for their own performance. A quality introduction may not only demonstrate your professionalism, but may assist a nervous speaker by giving them added confidence. The quality of your research can demonstrate how much you appreciate the individual’s time and talents, and it can demonstrate how highly you regard a speaker.

Using the agenda for the program day, reach out to and gain background information from your speaker. Use the opportunity to share about the class, your own line of work, and more. If you have any difficulty reaching your speaker or are unsure who to contact, please contact LSV staff, who will help you. Please submit a digital copy your written introduction to Jenny Wentz upon completion.

V. Media Manager

Serve, during the assigned Program Day, as the Social Media Manager for the Program Day.

Social media is an incredible vehicle which businesses and nonprofits alike use to drive awareness for their organizations. Knowing how to adequately use social media to communicate with a professional audience is important. As such, each class member will take a turn serving as the class Media Manager for a portion of the Retreat, Program Days, Graduation, and Alumni Breakfast. In this capacity, participants will update the outside world about the goings-on of Leadership Susquehanna Valley. Class members will be responsible to:

  • Write one post which reflects something which you learned during the program day. Use the hashtag #leaders______ in your post.

  • Write one post which includes a photo, video, or audio clip. This post may be to a personal page which links to the LSV Facebook or Instagram account, or you may gain permission to post to the LSV page directly from Jenny Wentz.

VI. Observation of Two Nonprofit Board Meetings

Attend two non-profit Board meetings. Write reflective, summaries of each, and submit these via online form (

We understand COVID-19 may present challenges.This is an opportunity to demonstrate leadership and courage, and to showcase to our community that even COVID-19 cannot prevent volunteerism and engagement. Write reflective, summaries of each (likely online) meeting, and submit these via online form ( . Both non-profit Board meeting summaries must be completed by May 31, 2021.

VII. Vote for Class Officers

Each year, the LSV Class selects officers. These include the Class Representative to the LSV Board of Directors, the LSV Ambassador, and the Class Social Liaison. Each has specific duties to represent the class on a post-graduation basis. Voting occurs in the second half of the program year.

Each class will choose one person to represent them as Class Representative on the LSV Board of Directors, beginning immediately following graduation. This person shall selected by his or her peers as the best representative of the personality and leadership style of the class.

The Class Ambassador is the face of the 2018 LSV Class to the community-at-large, and serves as a guest speaker and advocate at various community functions. The Class Ambassador will work with the LSV Staff to further community awareness of the program.

The Social Liaison serves as the catalyst for reconnecting with classmates. The Social Liaison works with the Alumni and Development Committee to reach out and advocate attendance at alumni functions. The Social Liaison may plan events unique to their current class, but are encouraged to make connections with all LSV alumni.

VIII. Community Service Project

Complete, in collaboration with your team and a beneficiary organization, the LSV Community Service Project. This project will culminate in June with a presentation to peers, alumni, sponsors and employers at the Guy Temple Distinguished Alumni Breakfast.

While a participant of Leadership Susquehanna Valley, you will be required to work as part of a small group to plan, develop, and show leadership to others in a community service project. This project may benefit a nonprofit organization, religious institution, school, or your community. A project proposal must be approved by the beneficiary organization and the LSV Program Committee before you start.

Project Purpose

In addition to providing service to the Susquehanna Valley, the primary purposes of the LSV Community Project are to demonstrate, hone, learn or develop leadership skills. Related to these are important lessons in project management and taking responsibility for a significant accomplishment. Your team has the ability to use its passions and skills to seriously impact a beneficiary organization with a project that may otherwise not be achievable.


Guidelines for Success

1. Gain Insight from the Community (Visit nonprofit Board meetings)
2. Meet your Team and Your Project Liaison
3. Choose a Project
4. Write a Project Proposal (Note restrictions)
5. Gain Project Approval
6. Complete Your Project Plan (Make adjustments based on deadlines, outside factors)
7. Keep the Beneficiary Organization Informed Throughout the Project
8. Make a Project Presentation at the LSV Guy Temple Distinguished Alumni Award Breakfast


Visit your first nonprofit Board meeting | May 31
Meet Your Team and Your Project Liaison LSV Retreat | September
Present Your Project Proposal to LSV Program Committee for Approval |  November
Project Completed | May
Present Completed Project to Beneficiary Organization | May
Final Project Presentation: LSV Guy Temple Distinguished Alumni Award Breakfast | June