Program Day - Sponsorship
Program Day - Sponsorship
Program Day Sponsorship Benefits:
Opportunity to give a welcoming address to the class
Opportunity to be a guest of the class on program day
Corporate logo and name on the day's program material
Opportunity to provide promotional material at the day's event
Post-event publicity through monthly Chamber newsletter, The Voice of the Valley, produced and distributed in cooperation with The Daily Item
Recognition on the LSV website
Recognition in the LSV quarterly newsletter
Recognition in LSV graduation program
Submitting payment for sponsorships are handled as a request. If your requested sponsorship has already been taken, LSV will contact you about other available sponsorships.
LSV reserves the right to reject sponsorships are contradict LSV's mission.
Program Day Sponsor
Program days are the very heart of the Leadership Susquehanna Valley curriculum. Like leadership programs across the country, LSV program days are themed to reflect the economy, citizenry, and culture of the region (in our case, the Susquehanna Valley). Covering such topics as agriculture, tourism, education, communications, and more, these program days include a behind-the-scenes look at regional issues, and tie together these issues with the core leadership component of the course.